If you are an adolescent or an adult, you may choose to have an internist (or doctor of internal medicine) who specializes in the prevention and treatment of adult diseases as your primary care provider.
At Faith Multispecialty hospital, our team of internists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals get to know you as an individual and make a point of becoming familiar with your medical history in order to take excellent care of you from your teen years through old age. We're trained and experienced in the treatment of all adult illnesses, from the most every-day to the most uncommon, and we're especially skilled in solving puzzling diagnostic problems and caring for you when you suffer from multiple chronic illnesses at the same time. When you need to see one or more specialists, your internist will take responsibility for coordinating and integrating your therapy.
We're also proud to operate as a Faith Multispecialty hospital Medical Home, a patient-centered approach to primary care in which you'll find an entire care team dedicated to you, and focused on prevention and wellness. Led by your physician, your care team works with you to achieve your healthcare goals with the skill and compassion you deserve. Together we will do everything we can to keep you well, managing both acute health problems as they arise and ongoing chronic illnesses, as well as reducing your risk of developing a chronic disease in the future.
We're also here to make sure you stay healthy. Your Faith Multispecialty hospital internist will schedule regular health screenings for you based on your age, gender and individual risk factors-because catching diseases such as cancer at an early stage offers the best hope of a cure. We offer a variety of wellness programs to help you learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle-either to ward off disease or manage a chronic illness.