•   Villivakkam, Chennai, India.

  • +91-44-4358 4333

  •  enquiry@faithhospitals.com

Critical Care Unit

Critical Care Unit

CCU is most important unit of a hospital that is considered as the backbone of all medical and surgical procedures. The department is highly on alert 24 hours critical care unit that is led by senior anaesthetists and physicians assisted by nurse practitioners, junior doctors, technicians, physiotherapists, nutritionists, radiology and imaging technicians. The aim of unit is to provide seamless care to critical patients. It is a multidisciplinary unit that handles patients from various specialties like general medical, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology, neurology and cardiology.

This unique design of the unit enables us to reduce cross-infection rates, a factor so essential in caring for the critically ill.

Our CCUS are designed and managed based on the fact that methodical organisation of Critical Care services influences important overall outcome measures such as mortality, length of stay and infection rates. The complete unit is divided into 4 units to cater the service according to the needs

Critical care unit I – The unit is paramount of all as it serves as the isolation/special care unit that provides intensive and specialised care to our patients.

Critical care unit II – It is a level I critical care unit where patients needs invasive ventilation, monitoring and therapy

Critical care unit III – serves as level II critical care unit where patients need non invasive ventilation, monitoring and therapy.

Critical care unit IV – it is to house post anaesthesia care patients.

At CCUs we also look forward to

Enhance patient's safety by providing vital information at a glance to the care providers

Enhance ability of attending staff member to identify potential source of problem

Transfer of care from physician to physician or nurse to nurse in case of change of location or Change of shifts

Includes accurate information about

  • Patient's care
  • Treatment and services
  • Verbal order
  • Test results
  • Current condition
  • Recent or anticipated changes

For more information please call +91-44-4358 4333