When a person's kidneys fail, kidney transplant and dialysis are the two types of treatment options available to replace many of the functions of healthy kidneys. Many people feel that a successful kidney transplant offers a better quality of life than dialysis. This is because a transplant allows for considerably greater freedom (no need to spend time on dialysis), increased energy levels, and a less restricted diet. In addition, studies have shown that people who receive kidney transplants live longer than those who remain on dialysis. This website provides information on kidney transplantation.
At Faith Multispecialty Hospital, you will be cared for by a multidisciplinary team including surgeons, nephrologists, immunologists, endocrinologists and nursing care personnel. We comply with the required legal compliances as stated by the Transplantation of Human Organs Act.
A kidney transplant allows a person whose own kidneys have failed to receive a new kidney from another person. A successful kidney transplant can improve many of the complications of kidney failure. A kidney may come from a living related donor or from an individual who has died (deceased donor). A living donor may be someone in your immediate or extended family, or it may be your spouse or a close friend. In some cases, a living donor may even be a stranger who wishes to donate a kidney to someone in need of a transplant. A deceased donor is someone who has consented to donating his or her organs upon death. In situations where the wishes of the deceased donor are not known, family members may consent to organ donation.
At Faith Multispecialty Hospital, you will be cared for by a multidisciplinary team including surgeons, nephrologists, immunologists, endocrinologists and nursing care personnel. Once you step through our doors, you will be led through a four-step process designed to provide the best treatment for your own health needs.
Step 1 : Evaluation on your first visit, our kidney transplant team will assess your condition and perform the necessary tests, such as blood work with tissue typing and testing for compatibility with living donors. This team will explain your options and tell you whether kidney transplantation is the best option for you. A new kidney may be donated by a compatible relative. The organ may also come from a deceased donor. All potential living donors are evaluated by a separate team of nephrologists and surgeons. If transplantation isn't right for you, alternative therapies will be recommended. If you are a candidate for a deceased donor organ, we will register you with the ‘State Network for Organ Sharing’. The Network for Organ Sharing, which manages the nation's waiting list, matching donors to recipients 24 hours a day, gives patients a fair chance at receiving an organ.
Step 2 : During the renal transplant, a new kidney is implanted through an incision in your lower abdomen. It is standard practice to leave your own kidneys in place. Following a brief stay in our recovery suite, you will recuperate in your room, under the watchful care of our transplant team and our nursing staff. We will guide you and your family in the care of your new kidney, and explain the immunosuppressant and other medications that will be required after surgery.
Step 3 : After a renal transplant our team will help you to maintain your health and renew your lease on life. We'll review the medications you must take to prevent rejection of your new kidney, monitor the function of your transplant, address any symptoms you may have, and answer any questions that may arise. After several months, less frequent visits will be required.
How does a kidney transplant differ from dialysis?
With dialysis treatment, a machine filters waste and extra fluid out of your blood the way your kidneys normally would. Many people undergo dialysis while awaiting a kidney transplant. Dialysis only filters the blood during a treatment session, not in the constant way a kidney does. For this reason, dialysis patients usually have diet and fluid restrictions. Dialysis also requires an access site – a vein or an implanted device where the blood can be collected and filtered outside the body. A kidney transplant is a surgical operation to give a functioning human kidney to someone whose kidneys have stopped working or are close to failing. The functioning kidney is removed either from a living related donor or someone who has recently passed away. A transplanted kidney performs all the functions of a kidney a person has from birth. It constantly filters blood for waste and excess fluid. Most kidney transplant recipients don’t have to limit their diet and fluid intake, but they do need to take medicine on a daily basis to help keep their transplant functioning.
Can I be evaluated for a transplant before I need dialysis?
Yes. A standard test to assess your kidney function is your GFR (glomerularfiltration rate). An ideal time to start the evaluation is when your GFR is between 25 and 30. Even if you haven’t reached end-stage kidney failure, starting the discussion early may give you time to consider your transplant options before you need dialysis.
What kinds of medical tests are done in an evaluation?
The transplant team will do a number of medical tests at the time of evaluation. These include tests of your kidney function and other vital organs, screening for other diseases and medical conditions, and testing of your blood and genetic immune system markers to match you with compatible kidney offers. If you are on dialysis, the program will also want details about your dialysis treatment. If the program lists you for a transplant, it will also repeat some tests on a regular basis while you are on the waiting list.
What medical conditions might rule me out for a transplant listing?
A few medical conditions might rule out a transplant. The transplant team will discuss these with you when you start your evaluation.
Who can be a living donor?
A living donor maybe a family member.
How long is the wait for a deceased donor transplant?
Unfortunately, there are not enough organs available for everyone who needs a kidney transplant. Waiting times for a deceased donor kidney transplant can vary greatly in different parts of the country.
Typically, patients are referred to us by their treating physicians, but you may also contact us directly to discuss your condition. Our transplant coordinator may be reached at +91-9500170383 and can answer initial questions and schedule an appointment with one of our surgeons and/or nephrologists.