•   Villivakkam, Chennai, India.

  • +91-44-4358 4333

  •  enquiry@faithhospitals.com

Our Initiatives

Faith hospitals apart from providing complete care and compassion for its patients have also proved its stature as a responsible medical institution by lending helping hands outside the hospital premises. Corporate social responsibility is also one of the key areas of concern to extend its service and excellence. Non – patients of Faith hospitals have also benefitted by the hospitals service. The hospital has exhibited some outstanding services that came at the right time to right people. Some of the CSR activities of the hospitals include

Weekend rural camps

Rural areas in our country are still inadequate for necessary medical needs and consultation. Hence to cater this growing demand for medical care, Faith hospital is conducting free medical camps in rural areas every weekend. The camps are attended by senior doctors and nurses providing maximum needful to the people of that region. Many people have admitted that the camps have benefited them to know and get rid of some unnoticed diseases. In some cases the hospital has also volunteered its role in fund raising campaigns to help people who cannot afford for some treatment and surgeries and have also succeeded in it. While many hospitals does only the job of treating its patients, Faith hospital is exceptional in understanding the social and economic background of its patients and thus creates and emotional bonding with them.

Tie up with NGOs

The hospital has tied up with some of the well established NGOs to treat people for free. The reasons for such programs are to extend its maximum medical care to people of the country. Many camps have been conducted and many have been benefited from the treatment and consultations offered by the hospital

During Vardha Cyclone

When people were crying for help after the worst natural disaster Vardha Cyclone, there came the helping hand from Faith hospital that provided them with necessary medical facilities which was really needed by the affected people. Even now people remember the service rendered by the hospital when they really needed it.

Flood relief

Faith hospital was under the full fledged operation during the latest heavy rains and flood. Apart from providing free medical facilities, the hospital also provided food, clothing and necessary materials for people to restart their survival in the city. Since there was a chance for some contagious diseases, the hospital made a smart move by conducting free medical camps to check, advice and also consult about the possibilities of various diseases. The hospital has proved its excellence in many of circumstances like this and has widened its corporate social responsibility with the aim to cater the maximum health to the people

For more information please call +91-44-4358 4333