Carotid Artery Duplex Vascular Ultrasound

Ultrasound is used to create images of soft tissue structures and can also be used to detect blockages in the blood vessels.

An echocardiogram (echo) is a graphic outline of the heart's movement.
Echocardiogram with Strain Imaging

Strain imaging evaluates the function of the heart muscle (myocardium) using cardiac ultrasound. This method is used to identify subtle changes in heart function.
Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram

The dobutamine stress echo test involves the injection of a medication called dobutamine while you are closely monitored.
Exercise Stress Echocardiogram

The exercise stress echo test involves exercising on a treadmill or stationary cycle while you are closely monitored.
Pulse Volume Recordings

A PVR study is a noninvasive vascular test in which blood pressure cuffs and a hand-held ultrasound device are used to obtain information about arterial blood flow in the arms and legs.
Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE)

The TEE test provides a close look at the heart's valves and chambers, without interference from the ribs or lungs.
Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE)

During a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE), a technician obtains views of the heart by moving a small instrument called a transducer to different locations on the chest or abdominal wall.
Vascular Ultrasound

Vascular ultrasound is a noninvasive ultrasound method used to examine the blood circulation in the arms and legs.
Vascular Ultrasound: Arterial and Venous Mapping

The “mapping” portion of the ultrasound test is performed to determine which blood vessels may be used as a lower extremity bypass graft or coronary artery bypass graft for your surgical procedure.