Blood Count

Tests that provide information about the components of blood including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
Blood Sugar Tests

A blood test that measures your blood sugar levels.
Blood Tests for Those Taking Anticoagulants

Information on the importance of taking an anticoagulant safely.
Blood Tests to Determine Risk of Coronary Artery Disease

These blood tests help to determine your risk for coronary artery disease and guide your treatment.
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Blood Test

BNP is a substance secreted from the ventricles or lower chambers of the heart in response to changes in pressure that occur when heart failure develops and worsens.

Electrolyte levels are useful in detecting kidney, heart and liver disease, and the effects of certain medications (such as diuretics or some heart pills).
Enzyme & Protein Blood Tests

A series of blood tests that measure enzymes that are released into the bloodstream when cells are damaged.
Lipid Blood Tests

Blood tests that provide information about the amount of cholesterol levels in your blood.
Thyroid Blood Tests

A series of blood tests that provides information about the function of your thyroid gland.
Waste Products in the Blood

Tests that provide information about the waste products in the blood excreted by the kidneys.