•   Villivakkam, Chennai, India.

  • +91-44-4358 4333

  •  enquiry@faithhospitals.com

Medical Facility

Invasive Testing

Cardiac Catheterization

An imaging procedure that allows your doctor to evaluate your heart function.

Carotid Angiography

An imaging procedure that involves using an iodine dye and a camera to examine how the blood flows in the main arteries of the neck that lead to the brain.

Carotid Stenting

A procedure used to detect the presence of narrowing or blockage (atherosclerosis) in the carotid arteries.



Electrophysiology Study

A procedure that records the electrical activity of your heart.

Intravascular Ultrasound

Combines echocardiography and cardiac catheterization which produces detailed images of the interior walls of the arteries.

Myocardial Biopsy

A small catheter with a grasping device on the end is used to obtain a small piece of heart muscle tissue that is sent to a laboratory for analysis.

For more information please call +91-44-4358 4333